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July 26, 2024
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President Museveni Makes Changes In The Ambassadorial Positions

President Museveni has named new ambassadors to different countries.

Among some of those appointed are former Mps who lost their positions in the January 2021 General elections.

Some of the notable changes include former Nyabushozi County MP Col Fred Mwesigye who is set to replace Richard Kabonero in Tanzania.

Mull Ssebujja Katende is set to be replaced by Robbie Kakonge as the new ambassador to the USA in Washington DC.

Dr Crispus Kiyonga was also dropped in favor of Judith Nsababera as the ambassador to the People’s Republic of China.

By virtue of the powers vested in the President of the Republic of Uganda, by Article 122(1), I hereby appoint the following as Ambassadors, High Commissioners and Deputy Ambassadors to the respective brotherly and friendly countries as listed here below:

  1. Burundi – Maj. Gen. Matayo Kyaligonza;
  2. Rome – Amb. Elizabeth Napeeyok
  3. Washington DC – Ms. Robbie Kakonge;
  4. Copenhagen – Ms. Margaret Bakyira;
  5. Dar-es-Salaam – Col. (Rtd) Fred Mwesigye;
  6. Khartoum – Dr. Yahaya Rashid Ssemudu;
  7. Paris – Ms. Amule Doreen;
  8. Kigali – Maj. Gen. (Rtd) Robert Rusoke;
  9. New York – Amb. Adonia Ayebare
    (Special Envoy);
  10. Algiers – Amb. Alintuma Nsambu;
  11. New Delhi – Amb. Joyce K. Kikafuunda;
  12. Canberra – Amb. Dorothy Hyuha;
  13. London – Amb. Nimisha Madhvani;
  14. Berlin – Amb. Mubiru Stephen;
  15. Ankara – Ms. Nusura Tiperu;
  16. Kuala-Lumper – Ms. Betty Bigombe;
  17. Brussels – Amb. Miriam Blaak;
  18. Moscow – Mr. Moses Kizige;
  19. Abu Dhabi – Amb. Zaake Kibedi;
  20. Mogadishu – Prof. Sam Turyamuhika;
  21. Abuja – Amb. Nelson Ocheger;
  22. Addis Ababa – Amb. Rebecca Otengo;
  23. Ottawa – Amb. Ruth Aceng;
  24. Cairo – Amb. Sam Male Sebulime;
  25. Kinshasa – Hajji. Farid Kaliisa;
  26. Juba – Amb. Brig. Ronnie Balya;
  27. Doha – Amb. Stephen Chebrot;
  28. Tehran – Kisambira Tezikuba Mohammed;
  29. Riyadh – Amb. Isaac Sebulime;
  30. Nairobi – Amb. Dr. Hassan Galiwango;
  31. Beijing – Amb. Oliver Wonekha
  32. Geneva – Amb. Mercel R. Tibaleka
  33. Tokyo – Ms. Tophas Byagira Kaahwa;
  34. Pretoria – Mr. Amoru Paul;
  35. Luanda – Col. (Rtd) Julius Kihaanda;
  36. Guanzhou – Ms. Nsababeera Judith;
  37. Havana – Ms. Musaazi Nabbaka Elizabeth.
    Deputy Ambassadors:
  38. Cairo – Lt. Gen. Charles Angina;
  39. Abuja – Mr. Nnam Alfred;
  40. Mogadishu – Maj. Gen (Rtd) Mugisha Nathan;
  41. New Delhi – Ms. Margaret Kyogyire.
    SIGNED this …….day of ………………., in the Year of our Lord Two thousand Twenty One (2021).
    Yoweri Kaguta Museveni Gen (Rtd)

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